
Gentle readers,

It is rumoured that the recent wintry weather isn’t the only storm to sweep across the country. A veritable flurry of scandal and romance appears to have blanketed conversation in its sparkling embrace.

Should you wish to satiate the still burning embers of your Bridgerton cravings, it would be my utmost delight and pleasure to present to you a collection of refined partyware, reminiscent of this spellbinding Season.

While we may not be permitted to promenade publicly, certain standards of elegance must be maintained. And, whether you prefer to dine like a duchess or indulge in a risqué reverie over a steaming cup of tea, these disposable, recyclable, and compostable pieces will permit you to dismiss the cleaning staff for the evening...for I would wager, in this bleak midwinter, that it is not only the frosty winds making moan.

Yours Truly,

Lady Whistledown

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